I know I've not been pulling my weight recently; apologies. My workstation at home is still belly up and gathering dust plus I've not been particularly motivated to rectify the matter. This piccy is a fairly old one. Started as a character doodle and the background adlibbed in.
I need to go have myself a long walk. I don't seem to like weekends as much as I used to.
Under an hour for each. Trying to develop my sense of color a bit further.
For the record I have a deal with a friend; I paint a decent 30 page comic and he gives up smoking. Just thought I'd put that up here to rile him up a little heheh. >:3
Been meaning to upload these for a while. Work still keeping me busy. Trying times, but somehow we learn to survive and overcome.
"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do." ~Eleanor Roosevelt